Delta Tail Betta
Lists of Delta Tail Betta
Product Offers for Delta Tail Betta Care: API Floating Pellet Betta Fish Food, or find other offers here
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19 1 2 2
17 1 2 2
56 1 3 2
18 1 5 2
12 1 2 2
24 1 1 5
Product Offers for Delta Tail Betta Care: API Floating Pellet Betta Fish Food, or find other offers here
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Delta Tail Betta, scientifically named Betta splendens, is a freshwater fish known for its colorful appearance. Its long and wide tail fin is a combination of red, blue, and pink, making it look gorgeous and alluring. Some people called this fish Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta splendens. This is absolutely a beautiful choice for your freshwater aquarium.
Double Tail Betta
Koi Betta
Plakat Betta